BINOVIEWER BAADER 60-degree PRISM ビノビュhandmade in Germany 2007.AB+ Condition, beautiful, contrasty optics1x magnification - NO GAIN !!!17mm clear apertureNo diopter adjustment feature視度調整機能なしGood for long focal length Dall-Kirkhams or Maksutovs. No backfocus extender is needed, also beautiful in refractors for very low power views. 長焦点のDall-KirkhamやMaksutovに適している。 バックフォーカスエクステンダーは不要で、屈折式レンズでも非常に低倍率で美しく見える。大変 とても 貴重で稀有な ビノビューです !Original Price ¥79,800 when tax was 5%. I got it at ¥59,800 during a sale when the JPY was very strong.#アイピース#天体望遠鏡#Baader#バーダー
BINOVIEWER BAADER 60-degree PRISM ビノビュhandmade in Germany 2007.AB+ Condition, beautiful, contrasty optics1x magnification - NO GAIN !!!17mm clear apertureNo diopter adjustment feature視度調整機能なしGood for long focal length Dall-Kirkhams or Maksutovs. No backfocus extender is needed, also beautiful in refractors for very low power views. 長焦点のDall-KirkhamやMaksutovに適している。 バックフォーカスエクステンダーは不要で、屈折式レンズでも非常に低倍率で美しく見える。大変 とても 貴重で稀有な ビノビューです !Original Price ¥79,800 when tax was 5%. I got it at ¥59,800 during a sale when the JPY was very strong.#アイピース#天体望遠鏡#Baader#バーダー
【Bang & Olufsen】B&O PLAY Beoplay A6スピーカー
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