International customers can also purchase with confidence! This is a one-owner item that I shipped to the Japan. Therefore, please rest assured that there is no need to worry about fakes. I will be exhibiting items from my collection. Just because it is PSA,BGS9.10 does not mean it is in perfect condition. There may be initial scratches such as white spots, hollow spots, missing dots, vertical and horizontal lines, etc. There may also be scratches on the case from the beginning. To prevent any trouble, we do not respond to comments regarding the condition of the card. In addition, we do not accept returns to prevent replacement.
International customers can also purchase with confidence! This is a one-owner item that I shipped to the Japan. Therefore, please rest assured that there is no need to worry about fakes. I will be exhibiting items from my collection. Just because it is PSA,BGS9.10 does not mean it is in perfect condition. There may be initial scratches such as white spots, hollow spots, missing dots, vertical and horizontal lines, etc. There may also be scratches on the case from the beginning. To prevent any trouble, we do not respond to comments regarding the condition of the card. In addition, we do not accept returns to prevent replacement.
ポケモンカード 151 重量サーチ済み70パック
ギラティナV SA
ナンジャモsar PSA10 2連番
ピカチュウ:バトルフェスタ2014 PROMO XYシリーズプロモーションカー…
ポケモンカードゲーム Classic ポケセン産 ダンボール未開封品
ポケカ 旧裏 リザードン
ミモザSR ARS10 鑑定書付き
★超美品★ポケモンカード シールドマリィ➕付き!