こちらはPROTOTYPE様専用出品となります。Redcat 製品の3点セットです。①品名:1979 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Lowrider (シボレー モンテカルロ ローライダー)カラー:Green②品名:Redcat SixtyFour V2 Steering Arms & V2 Toe Links (Chrome)品番:RER14523説明:Redcat SixtyFour V2 Steering Arms & V2 Toe Links. These optional chrome parts add a bit of flash to your Redcat SixtyFour and are a drop fit cosmetic upgrade for RER13442 and the toe links from RER13435. These are the V2 version that provide reduced toe at full lock of front suspension.③品名:Redcat SixtyFour Front Upper & Lower Arms (Chrome)品番:RER14524説明:Redcat SixtyFour Front Upper & Lower Arms. These optional chrome arms add a bit of flash to your Redcat SixtyFour and are a drop fit cosmetic upgrade for RER13445 and RER13446.よろしくお願いいたします。
こちらはPROTOTYPE様専用出品となります。Redcat 製品の3点セットです。①品名:1979 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Lowrider (シボレー モンテカルロ ローライダー)カラー:Green②品名:Redcat SixtyFour V2 Steering Arms & V2 Toe Links (Chrome)品番:RER14523説明:Redcat SixtyFour V2 Steering Arms & V2 Toe Links. These optional chrome parts add a bit of flash to your Redcat SixtyFour and are a drop fit cosmetic upgrade for RER13442 and the toe links from RER13435. These are the V2 version that provide reduced toe at full lock of front suspension.③品名:Redcat SixtyFour Front Upper & Lower Arms (Chrome)品番:RER14524説明:Redcat SixtyFour Front Upper & Lower Arms. These optional chrome arms add a bit of flash to your Redcat SixtyFour and are a drop fit cosmetic upgrade for RER13445 and RER13446.よろしくお願いいたします。
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